University Specific Training

For the last twenty years I have worked closely with Staff Development Units in many Universities across Britain designing bespoke training courses for both academic and non-academic staff as well as potential undergraduates through the Widening Participation Programme.  All of the programmes have encouraged wiser working and the development of sustainable behaviours.  Some of these courses have been generic and some for specific teams such as:

  • Away Days for International Office – Cardiff University and Bristol University
  • Away Day for Diversity Team – Cardiff University
  • Student Ambassador Training -Roehampton University
  • Away Days for Engineering Departments – Swansea University and Cardiff University
  • Personal Skills for the Researcher Programme (Roberts Funded) – Swansea University
  • Leading and Managing Research Teams – Swansea University
  • Coaching Service – Bristol University
  • Personal Tutor Training – Reading University
  • Customer Focus Day for the Nursery – Bath University
  • Facilitating Meetings – INSRV – Cardiff University
  • Customer Care Training for Security Staff – Bath University, Reading University and Roehampton University
  • Management Programme for Research and Enterprise Development – Bristol University
  • Customer Care Training – Wales National Pool
  • Customer Focus Day for Finance Department – Bristol University and Swansea University
  • Away Day for Public Relations Office – Bristol University
  • Personal Development Programme “Successful Journey” for Widening Participation Workshop – Reading University
  • Enabling the Virtual Team – UKOLN – Bath University

As well as the above I run numerous open programmes for many of the above universities and am a regular on their Staff Development calendars.  Training courses include:

  • Time Management
  • Stress Management
  • Seize your Day! Developing Sustainable Behaviours
  • Customer Focus Day
  • Working in Professional Teams
  • Developing Teams that Talk
  • Leadership for Research
  • Well-being in the Workplace
  • Professional Skills Development
  • Identifying and Managing Stress in Others
  • Conducting the Professional Review
  • Co-coaching Skills for Academics and Researchers
  • Creative Time Management for Academics
  • Delegation – A Tool for Empowering Others
  • Handling Conflict
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Ways for Wiser Working
  • Facilitating Meetings

The university environment is a rapidly changing one in which we need to work wisely and effectively whilst also holding on to the powerful principles and beliefs that drive us.  The future may continue to offer up challenges and if we harness our resources effectively and continue to develop towards our true potential we can face these in a positive way.   Being customer aligned and forward thinking is crucial for increasing our effectiveness and potential for success.  Good training and coaching will help the university, the teams within in it and the individuals within those teams to tap into and pool their resources in order to achieve their goals in a professional and inspiring way.

As a trainer I and am familiar with the culture and dynamics of university working life whilst also bringing my broader commercial experience to my work.  Many of the courses listed above are located in the Management or Personal Skills sections of this website and indeed, any of the training courses listed on this website could be adapted and run for university clients. In addition, I have attached some under this heading which have been specifically designed for Researchers, Academics, Schools and customer facing groups within Universities.  I am always happy to discuss your training needs in detail so do please get in touch.

Please click here to read about the training ethos of Objectives and click on the course outlines below for more details about specific courses:

Objectives Training and Development was set up by Sylvia Vacher MA BA(Hons) FAETC in 1989 to: “Provide training and development services, for both individuals and organisations, enabling them to identify and achieve their objectives in a positive, healthy and fulfilling way” Sylvia believes that the way to achieve this is by identifying and developing Sustainable Behaviours and encouraging Wiser Working at an individual, team and corporate level. Sylvia’s training style is dynamic, participatory and effective.