Stress is a fact of everyday life – but too much stress makes us ineffective and reduces the control we have over our lives. This course will help you identify your personal difficulties, reflect upon your stress management and relaxation strategies and become more effective in handling everyday pressures in a sustainable way. If you feel swamped by stress come along and take a fresh look at yourself, rebuild your energy and create a more balanced lifestyle by identifying unsustainable behaviours and developing your stress management resources.


Participants on the course will develop the ability to:

Understand how stress works and develop sustainable behaviours
Develop their personal resources and avoid stress “overdraft”
Recognise negative stress and its symptoms
Identify the causes of unwanted stress
Avoid negative stress whilst enhancing positive experience
Develop a balanced lifestyle in order to control stress in the long term
Utilise effective relaxation and stress reduction techniques
Develop a Personal Action Plan for Stress Management


Skills for the marathon – what is sustainable behaviour?

Analysing stress
– Positive and Negative Stress explored
– The Human Function Curve and Peak Performance

Negative Stress Explored
– Monitoring stress levels
– Symptoms of stress – a personal profile
– The costs of stress – developing sustainable practice
– The benefits of reducing stress

Developing a Personal Strategy
– What causes my stress? Identifying the “pie nibblers”
– Analysing workplace stress and working wisely
– Problems and solutions

Introducing Wellness
– Increasing the “pie”
– Health, exercise, diet and stress
– Stress management techniques
– Learning to relax
– Your glass is half full – positive self-talk

Action planning, review and evaluation

Objectives Training and Development was set up by Sylvia Vacher MA BA(Hons) FAETC in 1989 to: “Provide training and development services, for both individuals and organisations, enabling them to identify and achieve their objectives in a positive, healthy and fulfilling way” Sylvia believes that the way to achieve this is by identifying and developing Sustainable Behaviours and encouraging Wiser Working at an individual, team and corporate level. Sylvia’s training style is dynamic, participatory and effective.