GP Management Skills

General Practitioners benefit from opportunities to develop their clinical expertise but they often lack the same access to training in management, personal and interpersonal skills.  GP Practices need to be managed effectively to enable all who work within them  to achieve their goals and objectives over both the short and long term.  A lack of these skills can result in the failure of the Practice to achieve its objectives, soured relationships and low morale, stressed individuals, increased conflict and wastage of both energy and resources.    The skills required to be a good GP are not always the same as those needed to survive in and develop a thriving and dynamic Practice.  Developing wiser working strategies and sustainable behaviours enable us to improve the effectiveness and health of the Practices we work within.

Attached are examples of some of the programmes I have designed specifically for GPs including the New GP programme which I have run in Wales for a number of years (a testimonial from the GP Coordinator Dr Shewring is included in Clients and Testimonials).  I can adapt any of the other programmes under the Training category so please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, I am always happy to discuss your needs with you.  I have designed customer focus programmes for reception teams, well-being and team building sessions for whole Practices and specific course for GP Educators and I am developing a co-coaching programme for a GP team.  Please click here to read about the training ethos of Objectives and click on the course outlines below for more details about specific courses:

Objectives Training and Development was set up by Sylvia Vacher MA BA(Hons) FAETC in 1989 to: “Provide training and development services, for both individuals and organisations, enabling them to identify and achieve their objectives in a positive, healthy and fulfilling way” Sylvia believes that the way to achieve this is by identifying and developing Sustainable Behaviours and encouraging Wiser Working at an individual, team and corporate level. Sylvia’s training style is dynamic, participatory and effective.