The School of … is stronger than ever, so why do we need this event? All teams benefit from taking time out to discuss their achievements and explore future challenges. In these days of higher expectations and increased pressures in research and teaching we need to have clear goals, support our colleagues and streamline our processes enabling us to continue to achieve excellence through wiser working .

The aim of this day is to look to the future together – to explore a Vision for the School’s continuing success and discuss ways of achieving this. With more pressure and broader commitments, how can we continue to achieve excellence whilst safeguarding the things we value and minimising the associated stresses? This is an opportunity to anticipate changes, develop our team identity, explore good practice, evaluate our priorities and streamline our processes so that we know we are doing the right thing, at the right time in the right way.

The Away Day is also an opportunity for your new Head of Department to share their excitement for the future, stimulate discussion and explore opportunities and challenges with the team. You have been asked to attend this workshop to contribute your thoughts and ideas to the discussion and enable the School to move forward in the best way possible, achieving both the departmental goals and those of the individuals within it.

Objectives Training and Development was set up by Sylvia Vacher MA BA(Hons) FAETC in 1989 to: “Provide training and development services, for both individuals and organisations, enabling them to identify and achieve their objectives in a positive, healthy and fulfilling way” Sylvia believes that the way to achieve this is by identifying and developing Sustainable Behaviours and encouraging Wiser Working at an individual, team and corporate level. Sylvia’s training style is dynamic, participatory and effective.