Away Days

Away Days are crucial to the healthy development of teams in order to focus their energies, develop wiser working strategies and ensure that members are using sustainable behaviours and not veering towards burnout or becoming stale.  They also enable us to clarify our objectives and provide a sense of  direction.  An effective Away Day is motivational and inspirational.  It is often difficult for leaders to step away from the day to day and take their hands off the controls during an Away Day, such events are in danger of  becoming either an extended team meeting or unfocused social activity.  Sylvia has many years experience of designing Away Days and would be very happy to come up with some innovative ideas for bringing yours back to life.  Attached are some examples of formats for Away Days she has run.

Please click here to read about the training ethos of Objectives and click on the course outlines below for more details about specific courses:

Objectives Training and Development was set up by Sylvia Vacher MA BA(Hons) FAETC in 1989 to: “Provide training and development services, for both individuals and organisations, enabling them to identify and achieve their objectives in a positive, healthy and fulfilling way” Sylvia believes that the way to achieve this is by identifying and developing Sustainable Behaviours and encouraging Wiser Working at an individual, team and corporate level. Sylvia’s training style is dynamic, participatory and effective.