

For the past two decades I have been involved in developing and facilitating training and development programmes within a wide variety of organisations incorporating the private, public and voluntary sectors.  Below are a few of the organisations I am currently working with:

  • Cardiff University
  • Wales Deanery
  • Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
  • Neath and Port Talbot General Practitioners
  • University of South Wales
  • Swansea University
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Bristol
  • General Practitioner CPD Management Skills Training – Wales
  • CLIC Sargent
  • Nathan Outlaw Restaurants Ltd
  • Wales National Pool Swansea
  • Hft
  • Coaching Service for Private Clients

Recent programmes include Resilient Leadership for Trainee Consultants (Paediatrics and Pathology) and Associate Deans, Personal Resilience for GPs, Sustainable Working for Health Care Managers, Personal Coaching for a range of clients, Coaching Skills Development for Cardiff University,  Management Development for Hft and Managing the Customer Process for Exeter University.  I would be happy to provide more information on the above or contact numbers and references should you require.

Some testimonials from clients past and present:


“If only you could find a way of making all senior trainees go through this training.  I found it so useful, it gave me a chance to reflect on my experiences to date and how I could improve, as well as ways of approaching future tasks . . .  I would actively seek to hear more from her as I felt she really engaged with each individual in a short period of time and got everyone to participate with such ease.”

Trainee Paediatric Consultant 2017


“An excellent presenter who engaged well with her audience and obviously knows her subject well. Raised useful pointers and analogies which could be used with GP Education. I would certainly wish to attend another presentation by Sylvia.”

GP Educator North Wales


“Sylvia was quick to engage with our management team on dealing with day to day challenges and opportunities as well as aligning them with the company’s ambitions. It was important for us that the managers walked away knowing they were trusted and their decisions supported, leaving them confident to do their job effectively. Sylvia was able to open the door for the team in getting them to challenge themselves and develop their management skills.”

Ian Dodgson, General Manager, Nathan Outlaw Restaurants Ltd – January 2013


“Thank you, once again, for such a brilliant course.  Everyone seemed to enjoy it!”

Sue Battin, Senior Executive Assistant, University of Bristol – June 2013


“From the moment Sylvia started the course I knew that I would enjoy and benefit from it … I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found Sylvia Vacher to be an excellent trainer.”

Participant – Bath University


“Sylvia Vacher has provided a number of courses for us in the past . . . feedback has always been positive and has shown that delegates feel they have had a valuable learning experience and have learnt strategies for help them both in and outside work.”

Diana Hamilton, Staff Development Administrator, University of Bath


“Sylvia Vacher has successfully facilitated management training for new GPs in Wales for the past 5 years.  The sessions have provided fundamental training and support for GPs in making the transition from trainee to the challenging world of GP management.  Throughout this time over 200 new GPs have attended and the feedback has always been excellent.”

Dr John Shewring – CPD Coordinator for New GPs in Wales


“Sylvia has worked with us at Cardiff University over many years to support the development of our staff. She has established a thorough understanding and knowledge of the University’s environment, using this to enhance her design and delivery. Always flexible in her approach, Sylvia’s contribution to our development programmes continues to be highly valued.”

Cath Hancock, Training and Development Manager


“Sylvia Vacher has been providing Customer Service training to all the new cohort of student ambassadors at Roehampton University for a number of years.  Both University staff and the ambassadors themselves have been very happy with the quality of the courses and Sylvia’s training methods.”

Tara Quinn, Recruitment and Marketing Department, Roehampton University


“As a training organiser I find working with Sylvia both easy and professional. She translates our needs quickly and effectively and we have always had very positive results from the training she delivers. Sylvia challenges our team to find their own answers throughout the training, whilst doing so in a very supportive manner.”

Sara Bickel, Wales National Pool


“We are often heard congratulating each other on “doing a Sylvia” after a satisfied and happy customer has left the Desk.”

Bath University Computer Service – quote taken from University of Bath magazine


“I just wanted to say that the day yesterday spent on conflict management with Sylvia Vacher was wonderful… It has almost certainly changed my life for ever. Thank you.”

Head of Department, Cardiff University


“Sylvia presented the course in an interesting and entertaining manner, engaging throughout. Allowed time for group discussion and reflection.”

Manager in the Voluntary Sector


“Sylvia created a really good learning environment. Very knowledgeable/professional and credible. Thank you.”

General Practitioner


“Your help has been absolutely invaluable.”

University Dean reflecting on the Coaching Service


“Oozes professionalism.”

General Practitioner

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Objectives Training and Development was set up by Sylvia Vacher MA BA(Hons) FAETC in 1989 to: “Provide training and development services, for both individuals and organisations, enabling them to identify and achieve their objectives in a positive, healthy and fulfilling way” Sylvia believes that the way to achieve this is by identifying and developing Sustainable Behaviours and encouraging Wiser Working at an individual, team and corporate level. Sylvia’s training style is dynamic, participatory and effective.